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Doing Theology in Contemporary Indonesia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

The emergence of fresh theological orientations have to do with the social and political developments in its various regions and countries in Asia. We can identify a few general factors: 1. In the first place, Asian countries experienced the emergence of many movements for national independence which struggled against colonial powers. The theme of liberation caught the imagination of the masses and the leaders involved in these struggles. These movements were propelled by the power deriving from indigenous resources and traditions of the people, and their past history. The liberative energies released in the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles waged in different Asian countries, each in its own way, constitute a general point of reference for theological discourses in our societies. read more

Engaging Asian Reality: Its Ambiguities and Challenges

This is a tall order. Identifying and describing major social issues in a region with more than half of the world’s population is certainly not easy. Being the most dynamic region, economically at least, adds to the task. In the face of this challenge I have chosen to focus on geographical areas and issues that are within my limited purview of knowledge. First of all, I focus on East and particularly Southeast Asia. Second, my main areas of expertise cover labour, migration, and democratisation issues. It goes without saying that the topics presented here are rather selective and may overlook some other significant characteristics of the region. A deeper analysis is also beyond the scope of this presentation and I suffice with describing the phenomena in question read more

Theology, Illusion, and Bahari

Why is diversity of religious life, both traditional and modern, in Indonesia is it harmonious and peaceful? Not just recently, but since a long time ago; not hundreds but thousands of years ago?  What is meant by the rhetorical question above, is the spiritual reality of the nations in this Archipelago since the paganistic (polytheistic) era, is a fact that greatly respects the beliefs/religion of other parties, including the procedures of worship. What develops, as I often emphasize, is not “tolerant” life (which in practice still contains limitations), but “acceptance” as a cultural attitude where all different things are taken as part of (the existence) of a person/group, of me/us.  read more

Filsafat Divinitas (Keilahian) atau Teologi

“Teologi” sebagai sebuah nama ilmu datang kemudian. Tidak serta merta “teologi” hadir seiring dengan kehadiran traktat tentang Tuhan. Jika Theos adalah Tuhan dalam bahasa Yunani, dan logos mengatakan disiplin ilmu; sudah barang tentu terjadi suatu revolusi pengertian yang berabad-abad lamanya. Dalam abad-abad awali perkembangan, saat Gereja didera oleh kontroversi seputar kodrat keallahan Kristus, sudah pasti terjadi kesimpang-siuran pemahaman tentang “teologi” sebagai ilmu tentang Tuhan. Belum lagi bicara tentang metodologi berteologi. Metodologi berteologi jelas memiliki sejarah luar biasa panjang dan menarik. Tulisan ini tentu terlalu ringkas untuk bisa menjangkau semuanya. read more

Diskusi tentang dari prodi “Teologi” ke “Filsafat Keilahian” (Divinity Studies)

Nama Prodi Filsafat Keilahian sebagai “pengganti” nama teologi memiliki sejarah diskusi yang intens di antara para teolog dan filosof di Indonesia di tahun 2014. Sejarah itu menampilkan upaya nyata gerak bersama yang sinergis di antara para penyelenggara prodi Filsafat Keilahian di Indonesia. Tulisan ini dipresentasikan bulan Desember 2014 dalam pertemuan para pimpinan dan penyelenggara prodi teologi di Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. Tulisan format pdf dapat dibaca di bawah ini : read more

International Joint Conference, 1-2 Maret 2019

Doing Theology in the Contemporary Indonesia Interdisiplinary Perspectives. Collaboration between:

AFTI (Asosiasi Filsafat Teologi Indonesia / Indonesian Association of Philosophy and Theology Institutes), AAFKI (Asosiasi Ahli Filsafat Keilahian Indononesia / Indonesian Association of Divinity Studies Scholars), AsTeKia (Asosiasi Teolog Katolik Indonesia / Indonesian Association of Catholic Theologians), and Sanata Dharma University School of Theology – The Wedabhakti Pontifical Faculty of Theology. read more